Sapphire Viewports - High Pressure, Vacuum & Sight Glass Windows

PST can supply standard and custom designed sight windows (viewports), high pressure windows and vacuum windows. Proprietary methods are used to seal and fuse glass, sapphire, fused silica and other exotic window materials to threaded and flanged metal and ceramic housings.
Pressure Ratings:
- Low pressure: From vacuum to 700 KPa
- High pressure: up to 30 MPa
- Very high pressure: up to 60 MPa
- Higher pressures can be achieved with custom designs
Housing Materials:
- Standard materials: Stainless Steel 303 & 17-4
- Specialty materials: Kovar, Aluminum, Monel, Inconel, Titanium, Alloys & Ceramic
Viewport Materials:
- Sapphire
- Soda Lime & Borosilicate (Pyrex™)
- Fused silica & Fused quartz
- Exotic window materials: ZnSe, CaF, ZnS, MgF2, YAG

Applications for our Sight Glasses:
- Standard NPT and BSPT Glass & Sapphire Sight Windows for: conventional refrigeration systems, pilot & flame indicators, fluid level indicators & particle counters, pyrometry and thermal sensors
- High Pressure Viewports for: R744/CO2 systems, deep sea & down hole petroleum camera and lighting applications, High pressure research
- High Vacuum fused silica, Glass & Sapphire Sight Windows: for microwave windows, plasma systems, research
- High Impact Glass & Sapphire Sight Windows for - Security windows, combustion chambers, explosion barriers, furnace windows
- Medical and analytical: particle measuring, laser measuring, vapor analyzers
- Annular Sapphire & Glass Sight Windows for down hole imaging & inspection in the petroleum industry

Do you need a sapphire viewport?
Request for quote now!
Minimum order quantity 10 pieces.
Please fill the Sight Glass Form and email one: .