Sapphire Micro Optics & Macro Optics

PST grows, grinds and polishes a variety of synthetic sapphire optical parts. Al2O3 is the ideal optical material for applications where a broad spectrum of light transmission and high optical clarity is required. Synthetic sapphire's colorless characteristics make it a superior optical material compared to any standard glass. Synthetic sapphire has up to a 86.5% transmission and a transmission window from 180 nanometers in the UV to 5.5 microns in the IR.
PST has the technology to produce micro and miniature optics as small as less than 1mm up to macro optics of 200 mm. PST's parts can be grown in C-axis, A-plane, R-plane, random and custom orientation and are available as grown, ground and polished.
Some of PST's Synthetic Sapphire Optics:
- Prisms — for laser & military applications
- Lenses — for endoscopes, infrared systems & hostile environments
- Macro windows for optical applications in a wide range of industries
- Macro tubes, hemispheres & rods — for fiber optic & LED applications
- Micro tubes — for medical, fiber optics & insulator applications

Sapphire window with diameter >250 mm

Micro tubes with closed ends and thin rods (fibers)

Large double-side polished sapphire windows

Sapphire lens & sapphire wedges

Sapphire micro windows

Big size sapphire window, both sides polished
Do you need a sapphire micro or macro optical components?
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We'd like to know your Company name, phone, postal address, and specs (crystal optical orientation, dimensions with tolerances, quality of surfaces, samples and estimated production quantities).